Welcome to the Macomb/St-Clair Speech, Language, and Hearing Association homepage. We are a multi-county professional association comprised of individuals who have an interest in speech, language, and hearing services in schools. Our members work primarily with students who have speech, language or hearing impairments in educational settings.
The purpose of this association is to facilitate professional growth and promote collaboration among its members. We do so by sponsoring professional development workshops, distributing relevant research literature and providing opportunities to network with colleagues.
For workshop registration click here: Speech and Language Workshop Registration.
Please visit the MSHA website regularly at www.michiganspeechhearing.org for important public school committee meeting information. You may participate in some meetings through Skype. Contact [email protected]m for more information.
The purpose of this association is to facilitate professional growth and promote collaboration among its members. We do so by sponsoring professional development workshops, distributing relevant research literature and providing opportunities to network with colleagues.
For workshop registration click here: Speech and Language Workshop Registration.
Please visit the MSHA website regularly at www.michiganspeechhearing.org for important public school committee meeting information. You may participate in some meetings through Skype. Contact [email protected]m for more information.